The Problem

“A house divided against itself cannot stand”

- Abraham Lincoln

The rapid rise of globalization coupled with the unrelenting substitution of technology for labor, runaway deficits, and an inadequate and unsustainable social safety net, have not only left us, individually and collectively, in an extremely precarious position, but have also created destabilizing wealth and income gaps.

Destructive ‘black swan tipping points’ arrive when least expected and with irresistible force.
Our nation is not immune!


  • Persistent Poverty

  • Destabilizing Income and Wealth Gaps

  • Crushing Debt Loads

  • Voracious Corporate Behavior

  • Uncertain and Disadvantaged Trade Relations

  • Shrinking and Uncertain Employment Opportunities


  • Widespread Homelessness

  • Food & Drug Insecurity

  • Lack of Adequate & Enduring Healthcare

  • Too many Ineffective and Inefficient Educational Institutions

  • Unacceptable Incarceration and Recidivism Rates

  • Retirement Insecurity

  • Pandemic Unreadiness

Largely discredited, our 20th century institutions are ill-equipped to overcome the failures and shortcomings of our myopic, short-term oriented economy — especially with respect to our under-performing education and individual saving & investment systems.

For good reason, many of our politicians and political institutions are held in extremely low regard. Politicians are often funded and heavily influenced by powerful corporate and other special-interest lobbying groups. Even well-intended politicians of good character inevitably run into the ‘buzz saw’ of partisan, regional and inter-generational special interest politics.

Crucial government and philanthropic social programs are too often fragmented and lack critical imagination, scale, sound management, consistent priorities, and funding that is both adequate and sustainable.

The urgent need for an independent and citizen driven 21st century Marshall Plan, centered on the widespread investment by all citizens in the global economy, and a quality education for all children, is beyond doubt.